Ratio Check
Because the cost of failure is too high!
- Shuts down pumps when it detects an off-ratio scenario, sounding an alarm horn with a red flashing light.
- Complete shut-down at any off-ratio percentage the customer desires (can be set to alarm, but not shut down your equipment at a set percentage as well).
- Easy reset for the operators should an alarm occur.
- Monitors ratio by volume on Graco Reactors, Graco/Gusmer H-20/35 and other plural-component pumps.
- Continuous monitoring with LED readout of both A & B components.
- Totals of both A & B per part/job.
- System is completely installed at the pump controls for operator convenience (not remote-mounted).
- Runs on 110-volt circuit.
- Meters attached directly to the pump system, making the whole system more compact.
- Hands-on start-up and training by trained field technicians available.